Friday, April 13, 2018


 Earlier this week Nana did an Easter craft with the kids.

Easter Sunday was our last full day in town.  We had a sad good-bye after church. We had a wonderful Easter lunch at team mate’s house. 

We had a pancake snack on Sunday afternoon and invited the youth to come and say good-bye to our kids.  We had 30 kids show up.

 Then we went to a neighbor’s house for another good-bye.

 And then we said good-bye to Zoe which wasn’t easy.

April 2, 2018
 Last time to pack up this trailer and drive this car to Asuncion.
 Last family picture in front of our house.
 Ginny locking the door.
Off we go!
 If you think our older kids were a big help during the sorting, packing, and moving of furniture, you’d be wrong.  Actually, our four older kids weren’t even with us.  They spent the week in back to back activities – a first ever Paraguay missionary kid camp (organized by our team mate) and an annual SIM missionary kid adventure.  They had a blast at both.  They arrived home Saturday afternoon (36 hours before the move) hungry, tired, and muddy.

 For the MK Adventure these guys did a 4-day hiking circuit that took them up several Paraguay peeks.

 Top of Tres Kandu
 At the top of Salto Suizo.
Top of Cero Cora

 One afternoon it poured buckets on the weary hikers.  Some saw it as a mild irritation but others (Micah) saw it as an excellent opportunity to slosh, slide and sqoosh your way up the mountain.    

These shorts went in the trash.

What great and fun memories were made!

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