Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Thursday, November 22, 2012


We had never owned a turkey.

We had never killed a turkey.

We had never cooked a turkey...yet somehow we were responsible for all three this year!

Our Australian intern helped out (who, by the way, had never done the above mentioned things either).  He and his wife were great sports as they listened to us read each lunch about the history and traditions of our American Thanksgiving.
I love how all the kids are watching as Samuel kills the turkey.  This is better than TV!
 the plucking
Call my kids weird...they loved playing with the turkey head and eating the brains and feet....like I said, weird.
Here are some of the decorations the kids and I made for the event.   


Each guest had to write on a feather the things they were thankful for and then we added them to the turkey.


The McKissicks plus our 2 interns made hand print turkeys.  They turned out really cute.

Turkey table center pieces.

I made my skirt, a friend helped me Julia’s dress and Ginny made her skirt.  I’m 20 weeks pregnant.

As my SIM team mates trickled in one after the other Thanksgiving morning, so did the smells of delicious foods such as homemade stuffing, cranberry sauce from the US, mashed potatoes, rolls, cheesecakes, pumpkin, mincemeat and pecan pies.  Yum!


We had a wonderful gathering of 38 at our house complete with blazing sun, sticky humidity, yummy foods and a talent show.  The MKs put on a talent show which included memorized poems and scriptures, musical pieces, Joshua’s experiment, Ginny leading her goat through an obstacle course and grand finale of a reveal (which I will explain in the next post).
 Ginny and her pet goat, Cuzco, practiced hard for this obstacle course.  They both did a great job.
Ginny played an original composition.
 Joshua did a coke explosion demonstration.
Ryan and his friend demonstrated some ball tricks.
But the day wasn't over...we still had the grand reveal....you'll haveto stay tuned for the next post....

1 comment:

Shilo said...

Fun to read the rest of the story!
Congrats on your pregnancy, by the way! Hope you are feeling ok!