Saturday, March 1, 2014

CUZCO (the second) and GYPSIE

Ginny loved loved loved her first goat, Cuzco and was heartbroken when it was stolen.  After a couple months she said that she was ready to love another, so in November we let her pick one out and her daddy graciously bought her another Cuzco.

This month, Ginny announced that Cuzco was lonely.  She had been saving her allowance and was ready to invest in a friend for her goat.  I love that she spends her money on animals and not typical pre-teen things.

We paid a visit to our friend one afternoon and came back with Gypsie.

Ginny is fun to watch with her goats.  She loves them and they love her. 

 Looks like Julia takes after she big sister in that way too.
Julia loves spending time with the goats.

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