Friday, January 29, 2010


It is an interesting life.
Leave all your possessions behind and move to a totally new country.
Learn a new language, learn a new culture, make friends and disciples for Christ.
Then say good-bye.
Come back to your home culture for one year and…
Try to fit in?
Share about missions to as many groups that ask?
Spend time receiving spiritual renewal?
Connecting with supporters?

Finding my place here in the US has been harder than I thought.
We chose to make Belton our “home” (a town where I have never lived).
This means being “the new kid on the block”, which no matter how many times you’ve moved, is always tough (not just for us, but for the kids too).
It means finding a church home.
It means finding activities for our children to be involved in.
It means finding like-minded families to get to know.
But remember….it is only for a year.

I feel like this month we may finally be finding our place.
We joined a home-school co-op.
The kids are each taking 3 classes every Monday.
They loved it and I enjoyed the fellowship with other moms.
The three older kids have been taking piano lessons and have finally moved passed “Mary Had a Little Lamb”.
Ryan and Joshua are in city basketball and are having fun, especially since games have started.
I just signed Tyler and Ryan up for city soccer to begin in March.
Joshua loves his karate class.
And Ginny enjoys her once a week tap and ballet class.
We have been attended the same church since we arrived and are feeling comfortable.
We attend a Sunday school class and a small group and slowly but surely remembering people's names.


Jenifer Davidson said...

Welcome to the "busy" American way of life : ). I am glad you are finding your niche, even if for a year. I have a feeling by the end of the year, you will be ready to go back to the slow paced paraguan lifestyle...where you sip terere (sp) and just love each other while building relationships with those around you, leading them to the one who really gives LIFE.

houghslife (how's life?) said...

Amen sister! I'm not even there yet (two more days...yikes!) and already my mind has been overwhelmed thinking about all the changes, not knowing what to expect. Thanks for sharing and who knows when we'll see each other again friend!

Unknown said...

Your post really echoes our feelings this year. It's hard to connect, disconnect, reconnect. Takes a lot of energy that you'd sometimes rather use for something else!