Saturday, May 11, 2013


Jeff built a tree house for the kids.  They named it The Crow’s Nest.   Tyler is the President because he’s the only one who has stayed up there ALL night long (that includes Jeff’s attempt).
Ginny says, "Now I'll never be able to do homeschool with a tree house outside."
My response, "Do your schooling in the tree  house."
Her logicm "And ruin a perfectly good tree house."
Jeff made me this flower pot ledge outside my kitchen windows.
Patients lined up to receive a number in order to get a consult. In San Francisco the patient load seemed to ebb and flow during the week.  Here in Jataity it seems to be flow flow flow and no ebbing.  Pray for Jeff’s stamina as he attends to “the masses” each day.

This was curled up on our fence.

Craft Girl at work

Our yellow lab gave birth to NINE puppies – all yellow like their mama.  Pray for our sanity in the weeks to come!

1 comment:

Christie said...

Always something fun going on in the McKissick home!