Monday, May 20, 2013



We just got back from the capital where we applied for Josiah’s American paperwork, Ryan got braces, Ginny got a harp lesson, our car got fixed, Jeff renewed his permit to practice charitable medicine here in Paraguay, bought 20 more mattresses for Timothy Training (teaching Bible stories to rural farmers....happening in 2 weeks), I ordered all next year’s homeschooling materials, we bought a lawn mower and a dryer.

Ryan's new look

Mattresses on top of the car

I just ordered all my homeschooling materials for the start of our new year in August. I nearly had a panic attack as I ordered 9th grade books for Ryan. High school here we come!

 I find it ironic that my reading material while nursing a baby is The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens. Seems like a conflict of interests!


Josiah (at 6 weeks) is sleeping better at night – at least he has more nights where he sleeps than doesn’t.  I totally blame Josiah’s midnight alertness to on his dad – Jeff too is a night owl and gassy.  About 30 minutes before Josiah wakes up and 30 minutes after he nurses at night, he is so loud.  He snorts and squeaks, roots and toots and finally lets out a cry.  Sometimes Jeff and I cannot help but laugh at the crazy sounds that Josiah makes. 

He smiled this week in response to Jeff’s voice.  Since then he has been periodically smiling at each of us.  So precious!


1 comment:

Abbie said...

Cuuuuuuute!!! I love how fat that baby is! Good job mom. I think he kind of looks like Ginny. Am I the only one who says so? I love him. :)