Saturday, April 25, 2009


Sunday, April 19, 2009

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.” I Samuel 2:8

Usually I have girls club on Saturdays.

Usually a bunch of kids flood my house Sunday to play.

This weekend because I changed the girls club to Sunday, I ended up with a full house! 13 girls came (we haven’t have that many since school started) which was very encouraging. And (a record) 13 kids came to play. The kid’s room looked like a day care! But I loved it. I love that we can offer our home to others and not worry about earthly possessions (the things mold and dogs can and do destroy!). Seeing all the Duplos scattered, the car box dumped out, the doll clothes miles away from their place, the stuffed animals hanging from the rafters…I am reminded how blessed we are.

I made pancakes with the girls (we 8 timesed the recipe!). After serving the kids on a blanket outside, the rest of us ate. I shared a story (from the bible) about a King who prepared a feast and invited all the wealthy and important people, but no of them had time to come and rejected his offer. The king then became angry and decided to invite all the poor, homeless, and sick. They all came and were given white robes and enjoyed eating the finest of foods. I encouraged the girls to make a decision now to follow Christ whole-heartedly. Jesus is inviting us to partake in his banquet and yet so many people have no time Him. One day, he will come back, I said, and I sure hope he can give you a white robe!

Making pancakes

Kids eating pancakes


Abbie said...

I love this post Wask. You are indeed very blessed. Blessed with possessions and great kids and wonderful opportunities. I am grateful that you take advantage of them and see them for what they are! :)

Christie said...

You are so creative. I know the gals are learning so much from their time with you. Great job! :)