Saturday, May 15, 2010


Monday, May 3, 2010
(You’ll have to read the previous post to understand this post better.)

When Micah flipped off the front row chair at church and then cried because I told him “no”, I took him out of the service. I began talking with Paula, a lady I knew from bible study. She, in turn, introduced me to her friend, Karen. Karen’s eyes got so wide when I began to tell her about my family and that we were missionaries being commissioned by Temple Bible Church that morning. Her daughter (also named Amy), son-in-law, and their 4 small kids were commissioned two months before and have just arrived in India as missionaries. During the second service, I introduced Jeff to Karen and her husband and we ended up talking for an hour or so. They asked all kinds of questions – how have your children adjusted, what does your extended family think, what is God doing in PY.

The following day at bible study Paula came up to me and said what an encouragement we were to her friends. Karen felt that God had allowed us to meet during a time when they needed it most. They have been struggling with their daughter being so far away and grieving the “loss” of their grandchildren. It made her feel better hearing our joys and struggles and the ways that God has provided for us every step of the way….a nice reminder that God will do the same for her children and grandchildren.

Paula said to me, “I know you were frustrated that Micah was so wiggly and you had to take him out of the service, but God used that wiggly child for you to meet someone who needed to hear your story very much that morning.” I had never thought about it that way…..yes, thank God for wiggly children!


Anonymous said...

Awesome story of how God uses even the smallest things for His glory!

houghslife (how's life?) said...

Very cool. I will have to remember this the next time it happens to me. God has a purpose for everything! Thanks for reminding us b/c sometimes we forget.