Monday, July 26, 2010

Before the BIG arrival

Before the BIG arrival, we welcomed two small arrivals into our home. While we were in the states Ginny said that she was saving up her money to buy a pet when we got back to Paraguay. Well, last week she decided to invest in two hamsters. She also bought their cage and some accessories. I was very proud of her for waiting and being decisive and for not freaking out when 95% of her money was gone. We all have enjoyed Spot and Hyper.

1 comment:

houghslife (how's life?) said...

Hyper? Of course :) She looks more and more like you and her hair is changing isn't it? Wow, our kids have grown so much. Eli informed me the other day that Tyler is his best friend. Praying for you. Can't wait for all of you to meet Julia and then to see her :)