Wednesday, May 11, 2011

CRAFTY (in a good way) GIRL

March 7, 2011

It was the blind leading the blind as Ginny and I embarked on trying to learn how to sew. It was very fun though. Ginny was patient as I read manual and how-to books. She practiced stitching straight lines on paper first and then on scraps of material. We have a new best friend – the seam ripper.

Ginny’s first sewing project....a pillow case! She made one for herself and several others for friends.

2nd project was this cute little bag. It was very easy to do. Ginny even taught 2 of her friends how to make one. Ginny has also made several for friends.

Our next project, a shirt, didn’t turn out as successful. It was HUGE on Ginny. We cut it down a few too many times and it became too low-cut and tight.....


Ginny and I finished our first scarf! Thanks, Stacey for starting it for us.

Now, Ginny is on to learning to crochet.....


Abbie said...


houghslife (how's life?) said...

Wow Ginny and Amy!! So, can you help teach Sammie and I when we get back to PY?!?! Sammie's going to need a girl to talk to who knows what it's like to live with a bunch of brothers! Miss you all.

Unknown said...

Wow you are doing great teaching Ginny all of these crafts! Proud of you and it encourages me to do that over the summer. Check out this website for some fun ides: She does a great job of giving step by step instructions.
Happy Sewing!