Wednesday, May 11, 2011


April 5-13

We only planned to be in Asuncion a couple days (to send off our intern), however the Lord (and our car) had other plans. We headed for home on Saturday and while stopping for lunch, we noticed a huge puddle under the car. Yikes! We drove 1 ½ hours back to Asuncion and had the car looked at first thing Monday morning. We were finally able to leave the city Wednesday.

While we were in Asuncion Julia began crawling, standing, drinking from a sippy cup and sitting with us at the table in a high chair.

not quite knowing how to get the cup to her mouth...

Crawling on hands and knees for the first time at the's that for a missionary kid....

1 comment:

houghslife (how's life?) said...

At the airport...that is classic! Way to go Julia!