Monday, November 21, 2011


For these I am thankful (#2).....
Healthy children

I do not want for a minute to take for granted that God has given us 6 healthy children.  Children who reach milestones when they should, children who have great immune systems (I think it is from all the dirt they ate as a child), children who have big appetites, children who laugh and cry and have sweet hearts.  My only complaint is that they are growing up way too fast!

This week of November 11, 2011....

Micah learned to ride without training wheels.  He taught himself.

We finished our first week of our new homeschooling year.  Ryan is in 7th, Ginny and Joshua are in 3rd, and Tyler is just starting in 1st.

Julia really took off with her walking and it is now her preferred method for getting around.

Now that she is really moving, we cannot contain her inside.  She LOVES to be outside and she has discovered mud.  I cannot keep this girl clean.

This week Julia said “terere”.  She is addicted to it.

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