Friday, August 30, 2013


In January when we started a second weekly Bible study, Marta and Marisa were among the 60-80 that attended each week. I found myself sitting by these two ladies often, getting to know them a bit.  They both were glued to Jeff as he presented the Bible story and lesson.  Marissa became bolder and bolder each week answering questions and repeating the memory verse out loud.    


At the finish of the 6 week study, the host, Eva asked if we could continue.  Since 80 is not a manageable group size for us, we asked Eva to invite only her relatives and close neighbors.  What a sweet surprise to attend that first night and see Marta and Marissa there.


A couple weeks later they came to our house together and said that they had asked Jesus to be their savior and wanted to be baptized.  The previous week we had given them a memory card (since they can’t read well) with stories and scriptures about baptism and (without Jeff or me ever mentioning baptism) the Holy Spirit convicted them. 


The Word of God is living and active.....


The following day we held a baptismal service at our house (in our plastic kiddie pool).  We invited friends to partake in worship, Bible study, and snacks as we celebrated these girls’ decision.


The following month, the interns were thrilled to help deliver Marta’s baby.  Her plan was to not to deliver seeing as how the clinic in town is not set up for that.  Most women travel to Caazapa or Yuty, both about an hour away.  However, on this particular day (and three weeks before her due date) Marta walked the mile from her house to ours alone and in labor.  In fact, she was fully dilated when she arrived! 


God had definitely put these two ladies on our hearts and in our path!


Not only does Marisa continue to attend the Wednesday Bible study at her neighbor’s home, she and her boyfriend attend the Sunday study at our house arriving 2 hours before study just to visit.  They are hungry for God’s word!  Last week Marisa and Ceasar said that through the various Bible stories and memory verses, they are convicted of their sin and want to marry. 


The Word of God is sharper than any double edged sword......


What we aren’t doing is giving 3 point sermons, engaging in deep philosophical discussions, pointing fingers or preaching hell, fire, and brimstone.


What we are doing is getting the Word of God in the hands of people – actually we’re getting it into their ears through MP3 players (since many are illiterate).  They listen all week and then at the studies we teach Bible stories straight from God’s Word. 


 The Word of God penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

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