Friday, June 15, 2012

Tuesday, June 12th

I took the second half of the group to the same lady as yesterday. Her neighbor had just butchered a pig and we watched as she cleaned the intestines.  Yuck!  Tomorrow is San Antonio Ara.  You pray to Saint Anthony when your pig is lost.  To thank him for finding it (or if you don’t want to lose your pig this year), you butcher a pig on his day.  Everyone around here will be killing a pig today and tomorrow.
Say cheeeeeese
Intestimes for dinner, anyone?
drinking terere with Floria
 A little girl flirting with Drew...or was it the other way around?
Visiting Floria

In the afternoon the students organized a futbol game.  They were afraid it would only be 4 on 4, but as soon as they arrived on the field, kids from all over the neighborhood showed up to play as well (it was a holiday here).  After the game we had class from 3 to 5 to discuss Catholicism.

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